
Before you sign…

Before you sign…

… get an electrical inspection!

Good news, (great news, really) the housing market is on the rise! However, from time to time new homeowners find that their dream home has turned into a nightmare, electrically speaking, not in a creepy movie kind of way. Basic home inspections may not find problematic wires or undersized panels.

If your new abode was built 30 years ago OR has had remodel work done within the last 10 years, you should spring for an electrical inspection before you close the deal. Just because the lights come on doesn’t mean everything is mechanically sound within the home. Homeowners tend to be ‘creative’ when adding switches or circuits, and that can lead to major, costly, damage down the road.

Be an informed buyer! If an electrical inspection comes back with issues this can, in some cases, be used to negotiate a lower price due to extra expenses. These issues should be mediated by a licensed electrician. I hear Cross Wired Electrical is excellent. 😉

Unless, of course, you are the type that likes to learn that you mustn’t run the hair dryer, TV, and microwave at the same time…or the ceiling fan will short. While the mystery might be fun for the sleuth addicts, it’s dangerous. Plus you won’t be able to pop popcorn, blow dry your hair, stay cool, and watch TV at the same time. And let’s be honest, that’s pretty much camping.